The Best of Shipboard ^_^

 ..this picture was during our orientation or tour around the vessel, and the STO assigned for our group is Mr. Tan2,

..this was taken on the 

..we're at the galley having our shift :D superb enjoy doing lots of things like cutting potatoes, carrots and etc. 

..together with the crew of the ship that were in the galley :)

..classmates with their Food and Beverage uniform .. cute ! ^^ the front desk .. how nice jud the uniform! hehe

..mga hambugero ug sapatos oh! haha
this was during our closing program :)

       * shipboard was really fun :) we had great experiences while we are on board and at the same time we learned so much.
       * from the very first day until the last was really great! we superb enjoy it :)
       * we are challenge by the tasks given to us but thanks God we are able to make it and everything went fine:) we had memorable moments while we are there! :)

   But for us TOURISM STUDENTS, what makes our shipboard very unforgettable is that, we have been scolded by our dean in the Bus Terminal in front of many people! waaahh! it was really quiet embarassing! hmp!


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