In tourism, the word "preserve" doesn't only refers to the environment but it refers to the whole aspects of the tourism industry.We can preserve our tourism industry through protecting our environment, keeping it safe from any dangers or damages that human may bring which will lead to its distraction, keeping alive the historical places that is in our place, keeping the existence of our culture, and our values. Preserving is very easy to achieve if we will kindheartedly do it. We should not waste what we have, because having all those things is a very rare opportunity. We are very lucky because we have those resources that supplies us for our needs and we should be proud because we have our cultures and values that shows who we really are. Despite of the tourism impacts, through preservation, we can still cope up easily. Negative impacts in tourism industry would really exist, specially if our industry is blooming, but still there are some actions that we can do if we are determine to preserve our industry while it is growing. If we cannot avoid the negative impacts then we should have plans in at least minimizing it, but still we should not stop looking for solutions in getting rid of the negative impacts.
     Preservation is a very essential aspect in tourism, because this simple word would greatly affect our lives our way of living. But on the other hand, its not the tourism industry alone needs this word but we, people, needs it in order for us to have a good living.  In our own little ways, we can help preserving everything what we have for us to maintain the beauty of our properties.

     Nowadays tourism industry is greatly developing, which is really good. Especially in economic aspect, there are a lot of buildings like hotels, restaurants, mall and others which are built up in cities. Imagine in a year how many buildings are built in different cities? There are plenty of course! Hence, there people who are benefited from it, especially those businessmen who owns such establishments. But while our tourism industry is growing fast, have we ever consider the protection of our environment? Are we able to protect our environment wherein we get the resources that we needed for the development of our tourism industry? Well, for me? We did not! Indeed we really don't! Yes, we are able to build big & beautiful buildings but we are slowly losing our forest. We people are oblige to protect our environment, we should not abuse it because it is where we get our needs. It is okay to develop our industry by building a lot of buildings but on the other hand while we are developing it we should also consider our environment. We should always see to it that while development is going on, we will still be able to protect our resources, and we are not abusing it.
     We can protect our environment in many ways, like by just simply throwing our garbage in proper disposal area. If we do love mother nature, we should show it. by simply doing good deeds will show how we really care for our environment and if we do really value something we will not think twice to protect it because it is significant to us and it is part of our being.

     Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries and is a major source of income for many countries. It provides employment and it gives many benefits in different aspects. But, in return of a fast growing industry, people are forgetting their responsibilities to our mother nature. It is not wrong that we will think of a better development but we should not also forget our responsibilities to our environment. Despite of any developing activities we do, we should always care for our environment, we should plan carefully and put some actions in order to avoid any damages that we may cause to our environment. We should always consider the good sides that we may bring to our mother nature at the same time of the development of our industry.
     Nowadays, it is very pretty obvious that most of the time we do not think and care for the damages brought by our developmental activities. We tend to forget in protecting and nourishing our mother nature. Which clearly means, we are not able to sustain our environment. In any ways, we should at least try to make it up with mother nature! We still have time to do it, so why not we start doing it now?
     In our industry development do always exist, and in any development, we do always have plans first. What I am trying to say now is that, since we do have plans let us also focus on how we are going to lessen the negative impacts that we may bring to our environment, in that way we can help in sustaining our environment. :) In addition, we should also see to it that there is always a balance in our environment. And there are still many ways we can do to help in achieving a sustainable tourism even just in our own little and simple ways. Anyway, it is us who will be benefited if we will do good against our mother nature. :)
      Enjoy .. tourism will always be define with this word. In such ways, tourism gives us opportunities to enjoy life. Many people are seeking for fun, and they tend to spend their money for them to fulfill their needs of enjoyment. 

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